Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) ADO Database
2) Ajax
3) Asp Control
4) Collections
5) Components
6) Data Binding
7) Development
8) File Directory
9) HTML Control
10) Language Basics
11) Login Security
12) Mobile Control
13) Network
14) Page
15) Request
16) Response
17) Server
18) Session Cookie
19) Sitemap
20) Theme Style
21) User Control And Master Page
22) Validation By Control
23) Validation By Function
24) Webpart
25) WPF
26) XML
ADO Database
1) Add asp
2) Add DataColumn to DataTable
3) Add DataRow to DataTable
4) Adding a delete link to the GridView
5) Adding a DeleteParameters section to the SqlDataSource control
6) Adding an AutoGenerateInsertButton attribute to the DetailsView
7) Adding an InsertCommand to the SqlDataSource control
8) Adding an UpdateCommand to a SqlDataSource control
9) Adding delete functionality to the SqlDataSource Control
10) Adding Indicators to display Sorting Direction
11) Adding the AutoGenerateEditButton attribute to a SqlDataSource control
12) Adding the ConflictDetection property to a SqlDataSource control
13) Adding the DataSourceMode property to a SqlDataSource control
14) Adding UpdateParameters to the SqlDataSource control
15) Asp
16) Basic FormView
17) Bind asp
18) Bind data from OleDbConnection to asp
19) Bind Data from Sql Server (VB net)
20) Bind data source to asp
21) Bind data through SqlConnection to asp
22) Bind data to asp
23) Bind Data to asp DataGrid in C#
24) Bind data to Hyper Link Column
25) Bind data to in a DataGrid Column Control
26) Bind data to Repeater Control
27) Bind SqlDataReader to GridView
28) Bind the Hashtable to the repeater
29) Bind to two different asp
30) Binding a ListBox Control to a Data Source
31) Binding a RadioButton Control to a Data Source
32) Binding Database Data to a DropDownList Control
33) Binding to a LINQ to SQL Query
34) Binding to a Web Service
35) Build a DataSet
36) Build a DataSet with relationship
37) Button Column in a asp
38) Cache Sql data source (C#)
39) Call store procedure
40) Call store procedure (VB net)
41) Call store procedure through OldDbconnection in C#
42) Call store procedure through OleDbConnection (VB net)
43) Call store procedure through SqlConnection
44) Call stored procedure in access database (VB net)
45) Catch data binding exception (VB net)
46) Catch database operation exceptions for data binding
47) Change parameters of SqlDataSource in your own code
48) Change row style for higher value
49) Checking for Update errors using the RowUpdated event (C#)
50) Checking for Update errors using the RowUpdated event (VB)
51) Choose FooterStyle, HeaderStyle, PagerStyle, SelectedItemStyle, ItemStyle style for asp
52) Close database connection
53) Compare connection
54) Concurrency and the ObjectDataSource Control, ConflictDetection
55) Connect to access database file (mdb) through asp page
56) Connecting to an SQL Server Database
57) Connection to Sql Express (VB net)
58) Converting XML to DataSet and Vice versa
59) Converting XML to DataSet and Vice versa (VB)
60) Create DataSet pragmatically
61) Create SQL command from OleDbCommand (C#)
62) Creating a Custom ObjectDataSource Control
63) Creating a Page Property Parameter
64) Creating Custom Parameter Objects
65) Customizing the display of the DetailsView control
66) Datalist and ItemTemplate
67) DataList data binding with objects
68) DataSet Serialization and Deserialization using Binary Format
69) Define and use asp
70) Define your own collection for ObjectDataSource
71) Delete data from Access through OleDbConnection
72) Delete record through asp
73) Deleting Data with the DetailsView Control
74) Deleting SQL Server Data through SqlConnection
75) Deletion using SqlDataSource Control
76) Detecting concurrency errors after updating data (C#)
77) Detecting concurrency errors after updating data (VB)
78) Discovering Schema Information
79) Display column alias in asp datagrid
80) Display data from Access in different controls
81) Display data from Access to asp
82) Display of Data in a Table (Grid) Using SQL Objects (VB net)
83) Displaying a MasterDetail form with the DetailsView control
84) Displaying Access Data in a DropDownList Control
85) Displaying data in database table with the GridView control
86) Dynamic sql command
87) Edit data in asp
88) Editing a record with the DetailsView control
89) Enabling caching on a SqlDataSource control
90) Enabling paging on the DetailsView control
91) Executing a Stored Procedure using SqlDataSource Control
92) Executing Dynamic Queries using Provider Independant Code
93) Executing Inline SQL Statements
94) Executing Insert, Update, and Delete Commands
95) Executing Select Commands
96) Filtering Data
97) Filtering SqlDataSource data with a FilterExpression
98) Finding a Particular Row in a DataSet
99) Generate SQL insert command (VB net)
100) Get command from OleDbCommandBuilder
101) Get data from SqlDataReader
102) Get data in database through SqlDataAdapter (C#)
103) Get query result from DataSet
104) GridView custom paging with ObjectDataSource
105) GridView format event
106) GridView selection style
107) GridView Summaries
108) GridView with ObjectDataSource
109) Handling Concurrency Issues
110) Handling Method Errors
111) Handling Null values in the SqlDataSource Control
112) Handling ObjectDataSource Control Events
113) Handling the Object Creating Event
114) Highlight Rows
115) Implicit Transactions using TransactionScope
116) Insert data into database table
117) Insert data to database using SQL (C#)
118) Insert data to OleDbConnection using SQL (VB net)
119) Insert data to Sql server through SqlConnection
120) Inserting Data with the DetailsView Control
121) ItemTemplate in FormView
122) Iterating through Records in an Access Table
123) Link DetailsView with SqlDataSource and do the editing
124) LinkButton in ItemTemplate
125) Load data from Access database
126) Load data from Excel data source (C#)
127) Load Table from DataSet
128) Loop through data in Sql Server by DataSet
129) Loop through DataSet
130) MySQL ODBC connection (C#)
131) Numeric Format Strings
132) ObjectDataSource and backend database
133) ObjectDataSource based on XML
134) Objectdatasource with control parameter
135) ObjectDataSource with selectmethod, deletemethod, updatemethod, insertmethod
136) OleDBCommand Execute Reader (VB net)
137) Open connection and begin transaction
138) Open Sql connection (VB net)
139) Output the content of a DataSet as XML
140) Pagable datagrid (VB net)
141) Paging Through Data
142) Passing Objects as Parameters
143) Programmatically adding a SqlDataSource control to the Page
144) Programmatically creating a DataSet object
145) Programmatically Executing SqlDataSource Commands
146) Read data from database in asp dropdownlist selection changed event (C#)
147) Read data from database in code behind (C#)
148) Read data from OleDbConnection (VB net)
149) Read data from SqlConnection (VB net)
150) Read from CVS file (C#)
151) Reading data from the OleDbConnection in C#
152) Reading from an Excel Workbook (VB net)
153) Renaming Parameters passed to a Stored Procedure by handling the SqlDataSource Events
154) Retrieving Data from a Stored Procedure
155) Retrieving SQL Server Data (VB net)
156) Save data from database to xml
157) Selecting Data
158) Set asp
159) Set sqlCacheDependency
160) Set the DataSource to a String array of file names
161) Setup SqlConnection (C#)
162) Sort asp
163) Sortable GridView
164) Sql Connection String Builder (C#)
165) SqlDataReader Demo
166) SqlDataSource for Oracle
167) SqlDataSource Simple
168) SqlDataSource Update
169) SqlDataSource Update Stored Procedure
170) SqlDataSource with Parameters
171) SqlDataSource with select command
172) Static Sql connection data source (C#)
173) Synchronize Database operation
174) Synchronize database operations (C#)
175) The GridView control supports programmatic databinding
176) Time and Date Format Strings
177) Try Catch Finally for reading data from SQL server (VB net)
178) Try to connect to access database through OleDbConnection (VB net)
179) Turn off the GridLine
180) Turning off AutoGenerateColumns in the GridView control
181) Typical SqlDataSource control generated by Visual Studio
182) Update DataTable
183) Update Sql Server Data
184) Updating a database
185) Updating Access Data
186) Use a DataView as a way to filter and sort a DataTable
187) Use asp
188) Use direct SQL to insert (C#)
189) Use direct SQL to insert data to database in VB
190) Use OdbcConnection
191) Use OleDbDataReader retrieve data from database by column name (C#)
192) Use SQL directly to insert data into database in VB net
193) Use SqlCacheDependencyAdmin to GetTablesEnabledForNotifications
194) Use stored procedure to insert data
195) Use the ItemInserted event to handle any errors
196) Use Trace to debug (VB net)
197) Using a Built-in Stored Procedure With Parameters
198) Using a FormView control to display and edit data
199) Using a PagerTemplate to customize the paging interface
200) Using a template when editing with the DetailsView control
201) Using Data Keys
202) Using Different Parameter Types
203) Using Explicit Transactions using CommittableTransaction
204) Using Parameters with the ObjectDataSource Control
205) Using Stored Procedures
206) Using Stored Procedures With Output Parameters
207) Using Stored Procedures With Parameters
208) Using the DataReader mode for executing a SQL Statement
209) Using the GridView and DetailsView together
210) Using the RowCreated Event to programmatically change the style
211) Using the RowDeleted event to catch SQL errors (C#)
212) Using the RowDeleted event to catch SQL errors (VB)
213) Working with Transactions with an Access Database
214) Working with Transactions with an SQL Server Database
215) Working with Transactions with OleDbConnection (VB net)
216) Writing binary content in ASP NET
217) Writing data from the connection with try and catch (C#)